
Our Projects

LaRU – Laboratorio di Rigenerazione Urbana

LaRu consists of a study workshop with the aim to discuss about new and innovative methods of activation of citizenship in the process of urban regeneration.

The project arises from the need to explore the theme of urban regeneration practices that in recent years have given rise to a broad debate both internationally and locally, especially in those areas of the city with a strong presence of social housing.

During the project, several seminars and round tables we will be organized in order to present case histories and share ideas on innovative approaches to urban regeneration in neighborhoods with social housing. At the end of the design process a workshop will be organized with the aim to create a Community Map for the Urban Regeneration.

This project is co-financed by Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region.

Gretta (Trieste) and Zindis (Muggia)

ASS 1 Triestina – Azienda per l’Assistenza Sanitaria n. 1 Triestina
ATER della Provincia di Trieste
Terza Circoscrizione del Comune di Trieste
Università di Trieste – Dipartimento Ingegneria e Architettura
Technische Universitat Wien

November 2015 – May 2016


