
Our Projects

PISUS – Urban Animation

Kallipolis designed and implemented a series of participatory activities that involved the public spaces of the Cavana district within the project PISUS (Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Development )- Urban Animation, promoted by the Municipality of Trieste.
During the 2015 summer 50 events and workshops were realized with children, youth, families, seniors and tourists with the aim of promoting the Cavana area and improving the image and the attractiveness of the whole city of Trieste.

In particular, Kallipolis involved residents and shopkeepers of Cavana in two distinct participatory processes to develop proposals for improving the liveability and usability of the area.
The results of the processes are described in a map that collects the stories, memories and suggestions of the participants.

Cavana district, Trieste

Project promoted by
City of Trieste

