Kallipolis supported the Participation Office of the Municipality of Modena in the design and management of a participatory process that involved the citizens of Modena to develop the guidelines of the new Municipal Structural Plan (PSC), through a methodology inspired by the Citizens’ jury.
The first step in the process was identification, through public notice and self-nomination, of citizens interested in taking part in the project. Among all the candidates, 100 were drawn according to gender, age and nationality in an attempt to obtain a representative sample of Modena community.
The 100 “jurors” participated in a first orientation meeting on PSC issues and on how to participate. A second meeting, open and organized as a barcamp, was aimed to let the opportunity to whoever wished to convey to the 100 “jurors” their idea or proposal relating to the topic of discussion.
These two meetings were followed by a series of three public workshops in which the “jury”, organized in four groups of 25 people each and supported by professional facilitators, discussed and prepared the Participated Proposal Document, based on their own experience of living, moving, doing shopping and spending leisure time in Modena.
The Document produced by the process was finally presented to the city during a closing event and has become a point of reference for the Town Council.
The project was promoted by the Municipality of Modena with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Modena, Italy
March – June 2013
Launch meeting
The 100 chosen citizens participating in the first information and training meeting
23 mini-conferences in four parallel sessions, held by self-nominated ordinary citizens, technicians and representatives of associations, addressing the “100perModena” to discuss the main themes of the PSC: housing, working, transportation, living the city.
The workshops of the 100
Final event
The suggestions that emerged from the workshops were illustrated to representatives of the local government.